Reddit personal finance investing
Reddit personal finance investing

reddit personal finance investing

food truck to pop-up to a restaurant, or online store to sample sale to retail shop) is a more stable way of investing in your future. Ultimately, starting small and building up a following (i.e. Banks are reluctant to lend without personal guarantees, which puts family homes at risk. Even the most simple clothing shop or burrito store can get into trouble very quickly when customers don't buy, and costs keep piling up. Our View: Our research team repeatedly hears from business owners who need to raise capital or take on new debt to keep afloat. Cashflow is everything, and operating costs are high – getting into business is not a 9 to 5 alternative but a whole-life commitment. Running a business is extremely hard, and that has become harder with lockdowns and border restrictions.


New Zealand towns and cities are full of 'for lease' notices many businesses do not make it. Opening a shop is a big step and requires a lot of additional management – testing demand for your product or service online before making any expansion plans is often a good idea. It's very easy to get into business but often hard to get out, especially if you have sunk in a lot of money to get things off the ground. For this reason alone, it's highly risky to 'go big' on one company as the downside can be wealth-destroying. Delays in audit report signoffs and/or the announcement of financial results.Share sales by founders, management and board members.The offer to purchase shares is not fully taken up.Negotiations with banks over the extension of credit, or proposals to raise further money.Large turnover of management and board members.How do you know if a fast-rising listed company is about to hit turbulence?ĭ.nz sets out a range of early indicators that may suggest a company is about to fail. It's almost certain that the fall in the share price of A2 Milk (from around $20 in August 2020 to around $6 in August 2021) will have hurt everyday New Zealand investors. Unless you diversify, there is always a risk that even the most well-managed company can go off course.


More recently, companies that have been hyped up have included CBL Insurance (now in receivership), Pumpkin Patch (which aggressively expanded overseas and then couldn't repay the debt), and Rakon (which went from around $5 to 25 cents after the GFC).

reddit personal finance investing reddit personal finance investing

The collapse of Chase, then worth over $3.5 billion, is still a pain point for many New Zealanders. In the 1980s, Chase Corporation saw its share price drop from $10 to $0 after the 1987 crash. The NZX has seen many New Zealand companies rise from nowhere, only to come crashing back down when the enthusiasm dies down. I hope you get something out of this guide and enjoy the honesty". While I can put the results down to 'learning and development', time and money are in short supply. In my younger years, I've held a share for too long (and far too short), spent big on an idea without proving demand and wasted money and time on ventures that were not viable. We have put together this guide to help you understand where many others have gone wrong so you can avoid the same mistakes. Unfortunately, we are always in uncertain times, and even the most obvious winning investment may turn out to be a dud. Many people of my parents' generation still talk about the 1987 crash and how it affected their lives. Investing isn't a science - how successful you are will depend on luck, timing and how much risk you're prepared to take. I've also failed to spend enough time properly researching before investing in something unproven. I have spent too much time at various stages of my life thinking about options. "Worrying about where to put your money is perfectly normal.

Reddit personal finance investing