Twinkle toes
Twinkle toes

twinkle toes

Again, two ropes are required for the 130 foot rappel. You can either rappel from the anchors at the top of the second pitch, with two ropes, or you can traverse (loose third class) to the top of Bandits in Bondage and rappel from there. It is plainly visible and it is not necessary to use it. This pitch is protected by 4 bolts, including the famous barn door handle, which Young refers to as "a bit of 1970's climber humor." There is some loose rock near the ledge, so be careful. The second pitch traverses across the face to the second anchor, located on a pillar or small ledge. After you move out of the corner, you can see the first anchor, which is located in scoop.

twinkle toes

The crux of the route, moving out of the corner, can be protected by nuts and cams. Route DescriptionThere are two bolts on the first pitch of this route. The route starts in the prominent right facing corner. To reach the base of Twinkle Tows Traverse, move about 100 feet left along a small ledge, past an oak tree. Following the directions on the sign, use the climber's trail to reach the base of Dos Equis, an obvious water chute. Before you reach the caves, you will see a climber's access sign. From the West Side parking lot take the Balconies Cave Trail. Twinkle Toes Traverse is located on Machete Ridge.

Twinkle toes